I finished reading the selection for June, Little Chapel on the River by Gwendolyn Bounds, and now I'm waiting until we discuss it on June 27. In the meantime, I get to blog about it!
The subtitle on the book is: a pub, a town and the search for what matters most, so, that's the question of the day: What matters most?
The story of the Little Chapel on the River is that, after the attacks on the Twin Towers, Bounds found herself homeless and shaken, and she finds solace at Guinan's Pub, about 50 miles north of New York City. According to the publisher, the book is one that "asks questions about the power of human decency and goodness and gives reason upon reason for one to hope that such places as Guinan's will never completely disappear."
While most of us don't live through the tragedy of planes flying into the World Trade Center towers right next to our apartment building as up close and personally as "the Gwendol" did, we all search for what matters most.
So, what does matter most, for you, today? And, perhaps more importantly, how do you communicate that?
Hmmm.. very good questions.